action replay codes Yu-Gi-Oh! - Nightmare Troubadour
Infinite LP
0227ec6c 0000270f
02281198 0000270f
Instant Win
1227f438 00000000
1228119c 00000000
Max/Infinite KCP
02095ce4 0001869f
Have All Cards
12095dee 00001313
a209620e 00001313
d5000000 13131313
c0000000 00000107
d6000000 02095df0
d2000000 00000000
0227ec6c 0000270f
02281198 0000270f
Instant Win
1227f438 00000000
1228119c 00000000
Max/Infinite KCP
02095ce4 0001869f
Have All Cards
12095dee 00001313
a209620e 00001313
d5000000 13131313
c0000000 00000107
d6000000 02095df0
d2000000 00000000